
Public Health Nursing 11th Edition Stanhope (Test Bank)


Instructor’s Test Bank for Public Health Nursing, 11th Edition, Marcia Stanhope, Jeanette Lancaster, ISBN: 9780443268359, ISBN: 9780323847681, ISBN: 9780323882828


Public Health Nursing 11th Edition Stanhope (Test Bank)

Test Bank for Public Health Nursing, 11th Edition, Marcia Stanhope, Jeanette Lancaster, ISBN: 9780443268359, ISBN: 9780323847681, ISBN: 9780323882828

Table of Contents

Part 1: The Relationship Between Public Health Nursing and Population Health
1. Public Health Foundations and Population Health
2. History of Public Health, Public Health Nursing, and Population Health
3. Public Health, Primary Care, and Primary Health Care Systems
4. Perspectives in Global Health Care
5. Economics of Public and Population Health Care Delivery

Part 2: Factors Affecting Nurses in Public and Population
6. Health Inequity and Population Vulnerability
7. Effects of the Environment on Population Health
8. Rural and Urban Environments
9. Influence of Ethics on Care Delivery
10. Impact of Health Policy on Care Delivery
11. Evidence-Based Practice

Part 3: Conceptual and Scientific Frameworks Applied to Public and Population Health Nursing Practice
12. Population-Based Public Health Nursing Practice: The Intervention Wheel
13. Genomics in Public and Population Health Nursing
14. Epidemiological Applications
15. Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
16. Communicable and Infectious Disease Risks

Part 4: Population Level Interventions
17. Partnerships for Population Health Care Interventions
18. Promoting Healthy Populations
19. Community as Client: Assessment and Analysis
20. Building a Culture of Health to Influence Health Equity within Populations

Part 5: Planning Approaches to Population Health Care Delivery
21. The Nurse Managed Health Center: A Model for Public Health Nursing Practice
22. Public Health Nursing Practice and the Disaster Management Cycle
23. Public Health Surveillance and Outbreak Investigation
24. Program Management
25. Healthcare Improvement in the Community
26. Management of Populations

Part 6: Promoting the Health of Target Populations Across the Life Span
27. Working with Family Populations with Health Risks for Healthy Outcomes
28. Maternal, Child and Adolescent Populations
29. Management of Adult Populations with Major Health Issues and Chronic Disease Across the Life Span

Part 7: Issues in Promoting the Health of Vulnerable Populations
30. The Homeless and Populations in Poverty
31. Health Issues of Migrant, Immigrant, and Refugee Populations
32. Mental Health Issues within Populations
33. Substance Abuse within Populations
34. Violence and Human Abuse in Populations

Part 8: Nurses’ Roles and Functions Working with Populations
35. The Advanced Practice Nurse Focus on Population Health
36. The Nurse Leader in Population Health
37. The Nurse in the Schools
38. The Nurse in Occupational Health
39. Forensic Nursing in the Community
40. The Nurse in the Faith Community
41. Public Health Nursing at Local, State, and National Level