The Science of Nutrition 4th Edition Thompson (Test Bank)
Instructor’s Test Bank for The Science of Nutrition, 4th Edition, Janice J. Thompson, Melinda Manore, Linda Vaughan, ISBN-10: 0134175093, ISBN-13: 9780134175096, ISBN-10: 0134166000, ISBN-13: 9780134166001
The Science of Nutrition 4th Edition Thompson (Test Bank)
Test Bank for The Science of Nutrition, 4th Edition, Janice J. Thompson, Melinda Manore, Linda Vaughan, ISBN-10: 0134175093, ISBN-13: 9780134175096, ISBN-10: 0134166000, ISBN-13: 9780134166001
Table of Contents
1. The Science of Nutrition
2. Designing a Healthful Diet
3. The Human Body
4. Carbohydrates
4.5. In Depth: Alcohol
5. Lipids
6. Proteins
7. Metabolism
7.5. In-Depth: Vitamins and Minerals
8. Nutrients Involved in Energy Metabolism
9. Nutrients Involved in Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
10. Nutrients Involved in Antioxidant Function and Vision
10A. In-Depth: Phytochemicals
11. Nutrients Involved in Bone Health
12. Nutrients Involved in Blood Health and Immunity
13. Achieving and Maintaining a Healthful Body Weight
13A. In-Depth: Disordered Eating
14. Nutrition and Physical Activity
15. Food Safety and Technology
16. Food Security, Equity, and the Environment
17. Nutrition Through the Life Cycle: Pregnancy and the First Year of Life
18. Nutrition Through the Life Cycle: Childhood and Adolescence
19. Nutrition Through the Life Cycle: The Later Years